
i hate august

This summer:
i went to the beach once (maybe one more)
i went treasure hunting twice
i went exploring zero times
i hung out w/friends three times
i drew three finished drawings
i went surfing zero times
i went body boarding once
i went to the movies around 10 times
i ate fast food 05872308467 times
i lost a total of 30 pounds on and off ( i gained it all back )
i went swimming zero times (not including the hot pool at csssa)
i went bike riding twice
i went hiking zero times
i slept for 456026509265902675979809897 hours

this summer sucked. With the exception of csssa :(

There are 5 days of summer left. My schedule will most likely be sleeping in till 3pm. eating watching tv sleeping at 5am. go to great america on saturday. go school shopping. i hate august.
I wish i had a car. Thats the only thing stopping me from going to the beach every week, getting a job, hanging out with my friends, visiting csssa friends, going out to eat with people. ugh everyone is so lazy here. if i were them i would want to spend every day doing something before school starts. i guess its cause they all start school in a month. no fair.

drawing of my character Pandora done in crayon :)


Amelia Lorenz said...

crayons?? THat is amazing ly draw ed. I already started school :( ...so enjoy it while you can! JUNIORS!!!

Cindey said...

like ameliah said- amazing crayon drawing! jackeeeee howabout learning to drive before getting a car? hehe. Don't worry... one day in the future... we'll be able to have a happy august with many beach days. :) I MISSES YOU!