
unisaur attack

so i havent posted anything in here since december so i guess ill update :D
i got bad grades last semester :( well, a D in english which is retarded. i think im just going to end up going to evergreen jc and transfering to SJSU :\ they have a pretty good animation program (but theyre no calarts) and i hear they have a world renown figure drawing teacher teaching there. i hopt hes still there by the time i get there. i really need to start taking a figure drawing class SOMEWHERE. maybe at evergreen if i can get a ride.

Well a few weeks ago i entered this marine life contest. they will announce the results next month. and i am also painting a poster for the cesar chaves contest. its due the 26th. i have one week of school until winter break. when i am GOING TO HAWAII!!! :D hahah then the next week is my birthday yayy :)

ive started another business making wallets. i posted a picture of my most recent ones. visit my deviantart or myspace for details :D

ill post some of my recent drawings... orr crafts haha. The maquette is a project from animation last year. i never finished it cause i got mad when someone ripped off the arm. and her legs are too short. There is also the paper mache dinosaur from class, and the portrait of keiraknightley done in acrylic. it was my first time painting on canvas and everything! it was fun haha.